Press review

By Claudio Bertorelli | From VeneziePost, Feb. 26, 2016 The meadows are not coming back, it should be said now. Over the years of attending and participating in the schizophrenic Landscape debate, I have come to understand that Northeastern Italy still struggles to come to…
From VenicePost Monitor | Producing and providing services in a sustainable way is no longer a mere ecological fad, but a key factor for the competitiveness of companies and a precise market demand. And in this-at least for once-Italy is leading the way (more…)
From VeneziePost Monitor | Not an ecological fad, but the real sign of a new historical and economic phase: this is how sociologist Aldo Bonomi, founder and director of Aaster, sees the green economy. An expression of which he is keen to “break down and…
From VenicePost Monitor | Italy is the first country in the EU in terms of the number of companies active in the organic sector, and sales in the large-scale retail sector grew by 20 percent in 2015. A turnover estimated at more than 3 million…
From VenicePost Monitor | University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Fondazione Mach are the vertices of a triangle around which numerous other entities in the green economy operate. A true “sustainability district,” thanks to the collaboration between companies and research institutions (more…)
The stated goal is to enable the separation of material “in house,” reducing costs and enabling a higher quality and higher value end product. Contarina Spa of Treviso, an in-house providing company of the Priula Intermunicipal Consortium and the Tv3 Basin Intermunicipal Company Consortium that…
Sustainable development and, therefore, respect and care for the environment. Can all this be explained to a child? Certainly. Indeed, it is necessary to do so because it is precisely to children, to the new generations, that the responsibility for the future of our Planet…
“Flormart” at the Padua Fair and the international competition to design urban greenery. To be sustainable, a city must have large areas of public green space. With this in mind and knowing that Italy’s capitals reserve an average of 32 square meters of green space…
Sustainability is the way to innovation and business growth. Energy, landscape, transportation, architecture, economics and sustainable development are increasingly intertwined. (more…)